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2018 Mid-Year Whirly-Girls Scholarship Opportunities Now Available

Upper Limit is excited to spread the word about five additional Whirly-Girls Scholarship Opportunities aimed at helping women build their careers in aviation!

Whirly-Girls International is continuing to provide amazing support for women in aviation, offering scholarship opportunities for both female fixed wing and rotor wing pilots, and the Whirly-Girls Scholarship Fund recently announced that they are opening the 2018 mid-year scholarship season. So, if you’re pursuing your career in aviation, and working through your fixed wing or rotor wing flight training with Upper Limit Aviation and our professional CFIs, these scholarships could be a fantastic chance for you to push your training and career to the next level. 5 deserving female aviators and Whirly-Girls members will be provided with the opportunity to “strengthen their knowledge and network by attending one of three industry-leading conferences: The CHC Safety & Quality Summit, HeliSuccess Career Development Seminar, or HAI HELI-EXPO.

Whirly-girls Scholarship application, for Mid-year Whirly-girls Scholarship opportunities in 2018

HeliSuccess Career Development Seminar

Rotorcraft Pro Media Network will be sending two Whirly-Girls to the 2-day HeliSuccess Career Development Seminar and Job fair, being held October 2018, in Las Vegas, NV. This seminar and job fair is great for lower time pilots or those in a transition phase of their career and provides an amazing opportunity for both learning and networking. The inside information gained here can give pilots a competitive edge when it comes to the helicopter industry hiring process.

2018 CHC Safety & Quality Summit

CHC and Collective Magazine will each be providing a Whirly-Girl with an all-expenses-paid scholarship to the 2018 CHC Safety & Quality Summit in Dallas, TX in October. These scholarships cover the conference attendance fee, a 2-day HFACS course either directly before or after the summit, flight, accommodations, and meals. The conference, according to Whirly-Girls, is suited to more experienced pilots and those with a strong interest in safety, and is centered around “sharing education and best practices in aviation safety.


The final scholarship is provided by the  Whirly-Girls Scholarship Fund and Jean Tinsley’s estate, to commemorate “Jean’s love of meetings, also known as ‘hoverings,’.” The winner of this scholarship will be provided with an all-expenses-paid trip to the Whirly-Girls Awards Banquet and Annual meeting at the 2019 HAI HELI-EXPO in Atlanta, GA.

Robinson R22 helicopter at Upper Limit Aviation

Train in one of Upper Limit’s beautiful R22s!

In speaking about the opportunities, Whirly-Girls Vice President – Scholarships, Alison Martin said that in the helicopter industry, knowledge and networking are the keys to progressing in your career. “Without malice, women are still sometimes left on the outside of networking circles. Helping female aviators attend these conferences provides them with access to expertise and connections that may not be available in their current positions. This strengthens the talent pool of the entire industry and benefits everyone.

For more information on the mid-year Whirly-Girls Scholarship Opportunities, and to fill out an application, head over to the Whirly-Girls website. Keep in mind that you need to be a member of the Whirly-Girls to apply for these scholarships, and all applications are due by May 1, 2018.

Upper Limit Aviation strongly believes in helping build and advance the careers of female pilots, in both rotorcraft and fixed wing. And our dedication to female pilots isn’t limited strictly to flight training; if you need any help finding, applying for or deciding which scholarships to apply for, or would like more information on how you can use your scholarship to get your rotorcraft certificate with Upper Limit Aviation, please call us at 801-596-7722, or email us [email protected] and we’d be thrilled to help you.

Get started with your flight training today!

If you would like more information, you can:

  • Call us at 801-596-7722

Upper Limit Aviation and Whirly-Girls Are Helping Women Learn to Fly

Upper Limit and Whirly-Girls to committed to helping women start their career in aviation.

For any woman who’s always wanted to learn to fly helicopters, or who has spent years imagining an exciting career in aviation, now is the perfect time to start your flight training with Upper Limit Aviation. And that’s because the application season for the 2018 Whirly Girl scholarships has just opened! 19 deserving female aviators and potential aviators will be awarded flight training scholarships, which could make Upper Limit’s already affordable flight training even more affordable!

Whirly-girls Scholarship application

The Whirly-Girls Scholarship Fund (or WGSF) is a nonprofit, charitable, and educational organization dedicated to sharing helicopter aviation with women, and helping female rotorcraft pilots receive the training they need to advance their careers. The Whirly-Girls themselves, an organization of female rotorcraft pilots nearly 2,000 strong, have been providing scholarships to deserving female aviators since 1974, with the many different scholarships in recent years valued at more than $175,000. Their goal is to open up aviation to women, as only 4% or so of all pilots are women. As their Vice President Alison Martin says, “Every female pilot owes it to herself to apply.”

One of Upper Limit Aviation's Robinson R22 Helicopters

Train in one of Upper Limit’s beautiful R22s!

There are a variety of aviation scholarships available this year, such as one for Advanced Mountain Flight Training (something Upper Limit excels at), the Thurn-Herr Annual Advanced Training Scholarship, a Robinson Helicopter Company R22/R44 Safety Course scholarship, and the Whirly-Girls Helicopter Add-On Flight Training Scholarship, among many others.

You can apply for these scholarship simply by paying a $50 fee to join the Whirly-Girls, and heading over to the application page on their website. Applications for all of these scholarships will be accepted until October 1st, 2017. That means you have two weeks to submit an application that could potentially change your life. Upper Limit Aviation strongly believes in the advancement of female pilots, both rotorcraft and fixed wing, and encourages everyone reading this to share and apply this exciting opportunity with any woman who has always dreamed of flying. Our dedication to female pilots isn’t limited strictly to flight training; if you need any help applying or deciding which scholarship to apply for, or would like more information on how you can use your scholarship to get your rotorcraft certificate with Upper Limit Aviation, please call us at 801-596-7722, or email us [email protected] and we’d be thrilled to help you.

Winning one of these scholarships could mean the difference between landing a career as a helicopter pilot you’re passionate about, or continuing to dream about the career that could have been. So don’t wait to start or advance your helicopter flight training; change your future today!

The winners will be announced and the scholarships awarded in February 2018, at the Annual Whirly-Girls Awards Banquet at Heli-Expo in Las Vegas, NV. Apply today, and contact us to find out more about the next steps toward earning your initial certification or earning advanced rotorcraft ratings. We hope to see you on the stage accepting a scholarship next year!

Get started with your flight training today!

If you would like more information, you can:

  • Call us at 801-596-7722

More Female Helicopter Pilots in the Industry

There is a very recent upward trend of female helicopter pilots entering into the “male dominated” helicopter industry. We believe this is good news, and this movement seems to be world wide. At Upper Limit Aviation we are finding that more women are donning flight suits with the aspiration of becoming commercial helicopter pilots.

This article focuses on this upward trend, and attempts to bring more awareness to women regarding the career opportunities in aviation – specifically the helicopter pilot segment of aviation.

Currently, there are many women working in the aviation industry – from airline gate agents and flight attendants, to every nook and cranny of the corporate airline arena. However, until recently, not many women have been found in the cockpit as pilots, especially in the rotorcraft world. But things are changing.

And on that positive note, the Whirly-Girls Scholarship fund has announced five additional scholarships to be awarded to women in the helicopter aviation industry. The application for procuring these scholarships closes on October 1, 2015.

One example among many is Starlite Helicopter and Fixed Wing Training Academy, out of Western Cape, South Africa. Starlite has seen a tremendous increase in the enrollment of women into their helicopter flight school. (see recent news video below). Starlite’s story is only one of many stories being played out all over the globe.

For many years now most everyone in the aviation industry has been trying to attract more women into the pilot’s seat. However, for women there seems to be insurmountable walls, hurdles, and obstacles preventing them from joining the commercial pilot ranks. We believe that we can be a part of changing that.

There has been a noticeable stagnation in the number of women pilots up until 20 years ago. The reason for the lack of growth is complicated. Some of the more obvious reasons are related to our culture, lack of funding, misconceptions regarding skill development, and lack of awareness of career opportunities. And, there has been some unexplainable “mysterious” reasons that no one can put their finger on.

Growth Trends of Female Helicopter Pilots in the Industry

Although women have been involved in the aviation industry since its beginning, the growth of women pilots over the last 100 years has been less than impressive. Nonetheless, we believe that there is a bright future for women in aviation, especially in the area of helicopters. There are strong indicators in the industry that the number of female pilots is going up, and will continue to do so into the next decade.

Currently, 5% of airline pilots are women, and only 450 sit in the captain’s seat. However, the 5% represents a big increase when compared to twenty years ago. We believe this growth trend will continue for fixed wing pilots. In the helicopter world women pilots make up less than 3% of the total number of pilots. Even though 3% seems small, its a huge increase when compared to even 10 years ago.

At Upper Limit Aviation we have seen a steady flow of women enrolling in our flight schools. However, we are not satisfied, and we are committed to work even harder to recruit female students until we see explosive growth and see more female helicopter pilots.

The Misconception of Skill Development in Women

It takes a great deal of physical coordination to fly helicopters. In addition, pilot’s have to have good eyesight, good hearing, and be able to handle mulit-tasking well (both mental and physical activities). It should also be obvious, that good pilots need fast and smooth reflexes, and stable minds (they cannot panic or crack under pressure).

Some industry experts say that women are better equipped than men in their ability to make the delicate and graceful controlled movements that are required of helicopter pilots. They even say that women can react more quickly, handle navigation with more finesse, and have a better sense of direction (intuition).

Some believe that women, in regard to their fine motor movements are more subtle, giving them an distinct advantage over men when movement involves piloting skills. Women pilots are also thought to have great leadership abilities. They are more patient, more humble, and more cautious. Whether any of these statements are true is debatable, and more importantly, irrelevent. Female pilots we have known have shown that women can be great pilots, just like men, period!

Generally, most women are physically and mentally equipped to be pilot helicopters. It is our experience that women make incredible pilots, and we would like to see more women enroll into flight school. If this is true, the issue must be that too many women do not think they can become good pilots.

To become a commercial pilot it takes a total 100% commitment. To become an employable (safe and competent) pilot it takes piloting skills, competency, and professionalism. We believe that women are just as capable as men, in regard to fulfilling the important elements of piloting. Women are just as committed, dedicated, and willing to make the sacrifices of becoming a professional pilot as the men. The only issue is that there are less women venturing into flight school. We would like to change this dynamic.

If you know any women that have dreamed of becoming a pilot, please go and encourage them to pursue their dream. Perhaps share this article with them and be a part of the movement of more women becoming commercial pilots.

For more information about Helicopter Pilot Careers, see the links below.

Tier 1 Piloting Jobs

Tier 2 Piloting Jobs

Tier 3 Piloting Jobs

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You can get started today by filling out our online application. If you would like more information, you can call us at (844) 435-9338, or click here to start a live chat with us.

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