Upper Limit is excited to spread the word that AOPA has over 100 scholarships available for student pilots and pilots to start or enhance their flying career!
Finding ways to finance flight training can be challenging, and one great resource is scholarships. In 2019, AOPA awarded more than 123 scholarships worth more than $1 million dollars.
And now, AOPA Flight Training Scholarship applications are being accepted for 2020.
For details, and to apply, <CLICK HERE>
Application Deadline for Priority Consideration: March 1, 2020
Final Application Deadline: March 15, 2020
The flight training scholarships offered by AOPA fall into one of four categories:
AOPA High School Flight Training Scholarship
For: Eighty high school students, ages 15 – 18
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Recipients of this scholarship can use it, as part of the AOPA You Can Fly program, to cover direct flight training expenses in the pursuit of a sport, recreational, or private pilot certificate. Recipients will be required to complete a flight training milestone, by either soloing or earning their certificate within one year for receiving the scholarship.
AOPA Teacher Flight Training Scholarship
For: Up to twenty school high school teachers
Scholarship Value: $10,000
Recipients of this scholarship must be AOPA members, be a full-time employee of a high school or school system, and use the AOPA High School Aviation Stem Curriculum to help teach science, technology, engineering or math. Recipients can use the scholarship, as part of the AOPA You Can Fly program, to cover direct flight training expenses in the pursuit of a sport, recreational, or private pilot certificate.
AOPA Primary Flight Training Scholarship
For: Current AOPA Members over 16 by the application deadline
Scholarship Value: $2,500 – $7,500
Recipients can use the scholarship to cover training expenses in the pursuit of a sport, recreational, or private pilot certificate.
AOPA Advanced Rating Scholarship
For: Oustanding pilots with career aspirations
Scholarship Value: $3,000 – $10,000
Recipients must be AOPA members, and seeking one of the following ratings or certificates:
- Instrument
- Commercial
- Certificated Flight Instructor
- Certificated Flight Instructor-Instruments
- Multiengine Instructor
Recipients can use the scholarship to cover training expenses in the pursuit of these ratings or certificates.
Again, for full details, and to apply, <CLICK HERE>.
Upper Limit Aviation strongly believes in building an inclusive and thriving aviation community and is proud to work with incredible organizations like AOPA to provide flight training. And though we are dedicated to helping our student pilots and pilots succeed, our dedication to pilots isn’t limited strictly to flight training; if you need any help finding, applying for or deciding which scholarships to apply for, or would like more information on how you can use your scholarship to get your certificate with Upper Limit Aviation, please call us at 801-596-7722, or email us info@upperlimitaviation.edu and we’d be thrilled to help you.
Get started with your flight training today!
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